
Lg K8 Storage Space Running Out

  1. valleyboy22's Avatar


    Bought our daughter an LG k8 which is running on android 6.0.

    Nosotros bought her an sd bill of fare which is in it, but she has non got much on it and i am getting a low storage warning which is resulting in no more room to do anything else.
    How if i tin set it to sd storage default or move pictures games etc to sd card, because i have googles it but no joy then far? Whats the poit of having sd storage if cant put stuff on there and the mobile is deemed not usable because of no infinite?
    Any assist on this would be brilliant give thanks you?

    03-06-2017 01:22 AM

  2. B. Diddy's Avatar

    Welcome to Android Primal! The SD card is primarily intended for storage of media files similar photos, videos, and music, or document files. Apps have to be installed to Internal Storage, which is why it'southward of import to get a phone with a good amount of internal storage if installing lots of apps is a priority. Some phones allow the user to movement apps to the SD card, just exist aware that this only moves a portion of the app (and it's often a adequately modest portion), because the chief part of the app has to remain on Internal Storage. To meet if the telephone supports this feature, go to Settings>Apps, select a number of apps, and see if any of them have a Move to SD button. If none of them exercise, then the phone doesn't support the feature.

    03-06-2017 03:07 AM

  3. kramer5150's Avatar

    SD card is not the ideal location for apps. Cards are by and large slower and less reliable than internal memory. Its best to leave the app in internal retentivity and read/write the app media files to/from SD.

    As mentioned above not all apps and all "parts of apps" are SD menu transferrable. For an app that has "pieces" of information technology divide upward in dissimilar locations... isn't it more than taxing and inefficient for the CPU to have to go back and forth between the two storage locations?

    And then before resorting to SD card app transfer, you should uninstall (or at to the lowest degree make clean, articulate, deactivate) apps you don't really need or use... Out of the box there will be quite a few if yous are on a Verizon LG K8. Some of that carrier bloatware is as well a dorsum door for them to mess with things too. Even though you may not actively use the app, it but beingness there with mill permissions granted tin utilize retentivity. So you lot should do a make clean sweep, punch down and throttle back where possible.

    FWIW Facebook is the about guilty offender I accept encountered, the initial download is not besides large, but it quickly gets bigger and bigger. 16G isn't much to starting time out with, the mode todays' apps bloat themselves out over time.

    There are additional overall benefits likewise... battery life, speed and responsiveness...Probably others I am forgetting.

    Settings => Storage & USB => Internal Storage => Apps

    From in that location dial back anything thats not needed. Here's what mine looks like at the moment:

    03-06-2017 10:37 AM

  4. B. Diddy's Avatar


  6. valleyboy22's Avatar

    Thanks for the replies.

    My daughter is to immature for Facebook so that won't take storage. I idea you lot could transfer all to sd if had one because I got the s7 border with a fast interpret which i notice ok.
    Nosotros will but accept to limit what she can put on it to keep space free
    Thanks over again

    03-06-2017 12:51 PM

  7. B. Diddy's Avatar

    Pitiful, but only certain devices on Marshmallow have the ability to use the SD card equally part of the telephone's Internal Storage (which is called Adoptable Storage). Samsung and LG opted not to implement this characteristic, which is probably wise, since SD cards are generally non the most reliable kind of memory. As y'all tin can imagine, it'south not a great idea to contain retentiveness that has more chance of corrupting or crashing into the phone's Internal Storage.

    03-07-2017 01:32 AM

  8. makkoamal's Avatar

    The best and easy thing we can do is to expand the internal storage which is actually possible with adoptable storage search you merely need a pc and adb to run some commands which tin be establish in xda developers website
    After completing your memory card would be formatted and used as internal now migrate all internal data to sd Wollaaa!

    03-ten-2018 06:31 AM

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